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ISG Burns Harbor Employees Support United Way

International Steel Group (ISG) Burns Harbor LLC employees recently capped off their United Way employee campaign by presenting a check in the amount of $617,936 to representatives from United Way of Porter County. The amount raised during the two-week campaign was a 12.1% increase over the total collected during the 2003-2004 drive.

“In just our second year of operations as ISG, our employees continue to exhibit their generosity by giving back to the community,” said John C. Mang, Vice President and General Manager of ISG Burns Harbor. “A total of 222 current givers increased their pledges and 121 employees committed new donation dollars toward the effort. Also highlighting the increase was a total of 65 leadership givers who pledged $1,000 or more — a 44% increase over last year’s total of 45 — the largest number of Leadership donations from any company in the area. Thanks to all our employees for their extreme generosity and for their continued commitment to help our friends and neighbors here in Porter County.”

Sharon Kish, President of United Way of Porter County, said, “The theme for the 2004-2005 campaign is ‘Building on Success.’ What an outstanding effort this was from the entire ISG team! Once again, ISG has raised the bar for industrial campaigns. No one does it better than ISG. United Way is so grateful for its partnership with ISG.”

ISG and USWA Local 6787 had also partnered with United Way of Porter County on a range of other activities throughout the year. On May 7, 2004, the first anniversary under the ISG umbrella, ISG Burns Harbor employees donated more than 10,000 paper products that were distributed to food pantries throughout the county.

ISG also conducted a two-day blood drive April 14-15 to support the Red Cross, a United Way agency, when 346 units of blood were collected — a record for all blood drives held in Porter County. Then on June 18, 2004, more than 30 ISG employees and family members participated in the first United Way Day of Caring, helping to complete a variety of home projects to lend a hand to needy residents.

International Steel Group Inc. is one of the largest steel producers in North America. It produces a variety of steel products including hot-rolled, cold-rolled and coated sheets, tin mill products, carbon and alloy plates, rail products and semi-finished shapes to serve the automotive, construction, pipe and tube, appliance, container and machinery markets.