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Installation of New European Works Council for ArcelorMittal

A new European Works Council (EWC) for has been installed for ArcelorMittal following signing of the new agreement in Luxembourg. The newly installed integrated ArcelorMittal EWC replaces the former EWCs that existed in both previous companies.
At the signing ceremony Lakshmi Mittal, President and CEO, President of the EWC, commented, “The agreement that we sign today is an agreement of which we can all be proud. I want to take this opportunity to congratulate you all for this great result. Forming one EWC for ArcelorMittal has been a big step in the integration of the company.”
The new ArcelorMittal EWC represents all employees from within the EU27, in total some 130,000 employees, and has a total of 54 members.
“We value this agreement as a strong commitment by ArcelorMittal to social dialogue, and in particular to priority issues such as Health and Safety,” said Luigi Farina, Vice President of the EWC. “The fact that this committee has 54 members is positive, as this will allow it to accurately represent the diversity of cultures within ArcelorMittal in EU27 and will enrich our debates”.
ArcelorMittal is the world's largest steel company, with 320,000 employees in more than 60 countries. The company brings together the former Arcelor and Mittal Steel.
ArcelorMittal leads a number of major global markets, including automotive, construction, household appliances and packaging, with leading R&D and technology, as well as sizeable captive supplies of raw materials and outstanding distribution networks. An industrial presence in 27 European, Asian, African and American countries exposes the company to all the key steel markets, from emerging to mature, positions it will be looking to develop in the high-growth Chinese and Indian markets.
ArcelorMittal’s key pro-forma financials for 2006 show combined revenues of USD 88.6 billion, with a crude steel production of 118 million tonnes, representing around 10% of world steel output.