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In India, A New Steel Mill Comes to Life

According to SMS, a converter, secondary metallurgy facilities and the continuous slab caster were started up in March, when Tata began tapping the mill’s 4,330-cubic-meter blast furnace.

SMS said it has equipped the mill with a twin-station, hot-metal desulphurization plant; a converter shop with an associated gas cleaning and recovery facility; a CAS-OB (composition adjustment by sealed argon bubbling – oxygen blowing) unit, and a Ruhrstahl-Heraeus degasser.

“The process routes in the steel plant are extremely flexible. The steel can be treated in the secondary metallurgical plant’s CAS-OB and/or its RH (degasser). This ensures the manufacture of a large variety of steel grades,” SMS said in a statement.

SMS also supplied a two-strand, vertical-bending caster. The caster is capable of forming slabs as thick as 230 millimeters and in widths of between 1,000 and 2,000 millimeters. Its maximum casting speed is 1.9 meters per minute.

Located in the state of Odisha, the Kalinganagar mill is designed to make more than 6 million metric tons of slabs annually. A captive power plant, coke ovens and a hot strip mill already have been brought on line.

SMS said the second of three 310-ton converters is to be commissioned this year.

SMS has more details about the mill here.