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Hyundai Steel Signs Off on New Long Steel Rolling Mills

According to the equipment supplier, Primetals Technologies, the mills together are capable of producing 1.8 million metric tons annually and will manufacturer bar and rod for use as engine and gearbox components. 

Of the mills, the larger has a capacity of one million metric tons and consists of a tandem reversing breakdown stand and a finishing train with sizing stands. It can produce finished bar and billets that can be processed on the smaller mill. 

The smaller mill has a capacity of 800,000 tons of bar and wire rod and consists of a breakdown and intermediate mill and a sizing block for bar, rod and coiled bar. 

Primetals Technologies said the mill is designed for low-temperature rolling. 

“This improves the metallurgical structure and mechanical properties of end products and enhances flexibility during the rolling operation,” the company said. 

Both mills are part of the Dangjin works’ new special steels plant.