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Here's What Allowed Big River to Successfully Commission Its Bigger Mill

“Despite the constraints resulting from the measures taken to contain the COVID-19 pandemic, we were able to complete the installation and commissioning of the new systems about two months earlier than originally scheduled. This was possible, above all, thanks to the excellent cooperation based on mutual trust between the Big River Steel and SMS group teams,” said SMS group chief executive Burkhard Dahmen, commenting Monday on the start-up of the facility. 

SMS group is the mill’s primary technology supplier and was called on again to expand its capacity. Through the project, which wrapped up last month, the company added a second electric arc furnace, a twin-ladle metallurgy furnace, a second caster, and another tunnel furnace.  

“As part of the expansion, another coil preparation station was added to the entry end of the PLTCM, and the adjacent continuous galvanizing line received an additional downcoiler at the exit end. For all newly installed plants, SMS group supplied the mechanical equipment and the X-Pact® electrical and automation systems, including level 3.”