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Global Steel Production Down 2.9% in January

China’s* crude steel production for January 2015 was 65.5 Mt, a decrease of -4.7% compared to January 2014. Elsewhere in Asia, Japan produced 9.0 Mt of crude steel in January 2015, a decrease of -4.0% compared to January 2014.
In the EU, Germany produced 3.7 Mt of crude steel in January 2015, an increase of 0.5% compared to January 2014. Italy produced 1.9 Mt of crude steel, down by -11.3% on January 2014. France’s crude steel production was 1.3 Mt, a decrease of -10.6% compared to January 2014. Spain produced 1.3 Mt of crude steel, up by 11.8% compared to January 2014.
Turkey’s crude steel production for January 2015 was 2.6 Mt, down by -10.4% on January 2014.
In January 2015, Russia produced 6.1 Mt of crude steel, up by 6.0% over January 2014. Ukraine produced 1.9 Mt of crude steel, down by -25.2% compared to the same month 2014.
The U.S. produced 7.4 Mt of crude steel in January 2015, an increase of 0.4% compared to January 2014.
Brazil’s crude steel production for January 2015 was 3.0 Mt, up by 7.7% on January 2014.
The crude steel capacity utilization ratio for the 65 countries in January 2015 was 72.5%. It is -4.4 percentage points lower than January 2014. Compared to December 2014, it is -0.4 percentage points lower.
*China’s January production data is a worldsteel estimate based on the reported production by CISA members adjusted according to their share of the national total.