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Gerdau's Sayreville Mill Earns International Energy Certification

Established in June 2011, ISO 50001 was created to provide organizations with a framework for integrating energy performance into management practices. The U.S. Department of Energy supports this standard as a proven approach for U.S. industrial and commercial facilities to plan, manage, measure and continually improve energy performance.
"We aim to be a good member of the Sayreville community, and operating sustainably is an important part of our commitment to our neighbors," said Mark Quiring, vice president and general manager of the Gerdau mill in Sayreville. "The ISO 50001 certification is a testament to our success and shows our company's dedication to the environment.”
During the rigorous ISO certification process, Gerdau’s Sayreville team analyzed energy consumption mill-wide and considered opportunities for new energy programs. A third party consultant then conducted a thorough review of the modifications that were implemented, affirming that the company conformed to the management standard and improved its energy performance.
Along with enabling energy consumption analysis and energy use optimization, the ISO 50001 certification process lowers energy costs and results in a smaller carbon footprint due to reduced CO2 emissions. The Sayreville ISO certification process also helped Gerdau identify opportunities that improved equipment efficiencies to further reduce energy consumption. The company is working to communicate best practices to the other Gerdau locations across North America.
With the new certification, Gerdau’s Sayreville mill is now certified according to the quality, environmental and energy management standards, including ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 50001.