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Gerdau Invests in a New Water Treatment Plant in Spain

Gerdau’s plant in Reinosa, Spain, invested €700,000 in a new treatment plant of the water used in the steel manufacturing process. With this investment, Gerdau will reuse internally the water used for cooling, resulting in a 50% reduction in this unit’s water consumption.

These actions are part of Gerdau’s commitment to the environment reflected in everyday practices of investment for continuous updating of equipment and in environmental awareness programs.

Gerdau is the leader in the segment of long steel in the Americas and one of the main suppliers of special long steel in the world. With over 45,000 employees, it has industrial operations in 14 countries—in the Americas, Europe, and Asia—which together represent an installed capacity of over 25 million tonnes of steel per year. It is the largest recycler in Latin America; and in the world, it transforms each year millions of tons of scrap steel, reinforcing its commitment to sustainable development in the regions where it operates. Gerdau is listed on the stock exchanges of São Paulo, New York, and Madrid and has over 140,000 shareholders.