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Gerdau Ameristeel Adds Moré Catfis Manipulator to Charlotte EAF

Gerdau Ameristeel recently started up a new Catfis automatic temperature/sampling EAF manipulator at its Charlotte facility.

Supplied by Moré, the new manipulator is now operation in the Charlotte facility’s 65-ton AC continuous scrap feeding (Consteel) EAF. The Catfis unit replaces an existing automatic side-wall sampler.

Operated through the slag door, the Catfis equipment will allow operators to sample for temperature, carbon and oxygen. The Catfis unit has been developed to improve operator safety, eliminate manual operation in front of the slag door, optimize the process (thus reducing transformation costs), and improve the total reliability of measurements.

With over 80 manipulators in operation worldwide, the Catfis system demonstrates high reliability and efficiency in the EAF automatic temperature/sampling measurements.