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Fives Receives Order for Electrical Steel Lines

According to Fives, the order includes a decarburizing and coating line and a flattening and coating line, each with 80,000 metric tons of annual capacity. The lines will process steel with a silicon content of less than 3.5%. Strip thickness will range from 0.15 mm to 0.5 mm.  

TISCO produces stainless steel, but is venturing into electrical steel production, Fives said. 

“TISCO decided to invest in the production of grain-oriented (GO) silicon steel grades with high permeability (HiB) to meet local market demands for electric generators and transformers. Having partnered with Fives for more than 25 years on contracts, TISCO trusted Fives to deliver on this highly challenging project,” Fives said.  

The project is scheduled for completion in the second half of 2021.