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Five AIST Student Members Awarded Scholarships from Engineering Honor Society

Most recipients will receive a cash award of US$2,000 for his or her senior year of engineering study, and a few will receive US$1,000 for one semester. All Tau Beta Pi Scholarships are awarded on the competitive criteria of high scholarship, campus leadership and service, and promise of future contributions to the engineering profession. All scholars are members of Tau Beta Pi.
Of the recipients, 65 are studying mechanical engineering, 38 chemical engineering, 33 electrical engineering, 22 biomedical engineering, 22 civil engineering, 15 computer engineering, 7 materials (science) engineering, 6 biological engineering, 6 industrial engineering, 5 bioengineering, 4 aerospace engineering, 4 civil & environmental engineering, 4 petroleum engineering, 3 computer science, and 3 geological engineering. The others are studying general engineering, microelectronic engineering, ocean engineering, and systems science & engineering.
The five scholars who are also AIST members are: Brittany Gallagher, materials engineering major, Drexel University; Alexandra Glover, materials science engineering major, Michigan Technological University; Christine Hasbrouck, mechanical engineering major, Trine University; Ziyin Huang, materials engineering major, Drexel University; and Rachel Philiph, materials engineering major, Iowa State University.

All of this year’s scholarships are named for members or corporations. The Nagel Scholarship is given in honor of former Secretary-Treasurer Emeritus Robert H. Nagel, P.E., NY, ’39. Named Editor of The Bent in 1942, he became Secretary-Treasurer and Editor in 1947 and served until October 1982 when he was named Secretary-Treasurer Emeritus.
The Record Scholarships, awarded for the first time in 2001, commemorates Leroy E. Record, KS, ’29, whose generous bequest will provide earnings to support awards in perpetuity. This year the total number of Record Scholarships awarded eclipsed 1000.
The Stabile Scholarships are named for Vincent A. Stabile, N.Y., ’40, whose gifts to the Association, along with gifts from the Vincent A. Stabile Foundation, have permanently endowed scholarships.
In 2005, Henry M. Alford, Miss., ’27, left a bequest to the Association sufficient to endow permanently the Alford Scholarship. The Althouse Scholarship commemorates Ernest E. Althouse, Pa., ’26, who left a bequest in 2006. The Bloomberg Scholarship is named for Michael R. Bloomberg, Md., ’64, whose 2006 gift funds one award for ten years. Ruth M. and Cleveland L. Campbell, P.E., Iowa, ’47, made gifts to permanently endow the Campbell Scholarships.
A 2007 bequest from the estate of Richard A. Curtis, Ph.D., Ohio, ’64, permanently endows the Curtis Scholarship. The Dodson Scholarships are sponsored by Charles R. Dodson, Md., ’30, who made a generous gift to the Association in 1998. Placed in the C.R. Dodson Scholarship/Fellowship Fund, its investment earnings will support the program in perpetuity.
The Forge Scholarships are named for Charles O. Forge, Calif., ’56, who left a bequest to Tau Beta Pi in 2010. The Mentor Scholarship is given in admiration of the 1926–46 automobile industry by James P. Tarwater, Mo., ’51. The Mitchell Scholarship is named for George P. Mitchell, Texas, ’40, who made gifts to support two scholarships this year.
The Schwaller Scholarship commemorates Shawn R. Schwaller, S.D., A ’95, whose friends and family established a fund in 2007. The Scribner Scholarships are named for A. Clayton Scribner, N.Y., ’29, whose bequest to the Association in 2003 permanently endows the awards. The Sickafoose Scholarship is named for Kathleen A. and Robert D. Sickafoose, Ill, ’50, who left a bequest to the Association in 2012.
Elsa and Peter H. Soderberg, Conn., ’68, sponsor the Tau Beta Pi–Soderberg Scholarships, awarded for the fourteenth year. The Spirit of Apollo Scholarship is given by a donor to honor the legacy of the U.S. NASA Apollo program.
The Hampton Scholarship is named for Delon Hampton, Ph.D., D.C., A ’54; the Madni Scholarship is named for Asad M. Madni, Ph.D., Calif., E ’69; and the Payton Scholarship is named for Col. Gary E. Payton, Ph.D., Colo., Z ’71, all of whom are 2014 Tau Beta Pi Distinguished Alumni. The Walker Scholarship is named for M. Lucius Walker Jr., Ph.D., P.E., D.C. A ’57, who was the 2013 Tau Beta Pi Distinguished Alumnus.
Corporations sponsor the remaining scholarships. The Alabama Power Foundation, Inc. made a gift in 1995, which is now sufficient to endow an Alabama Power Scholarship, awarded for the eleventh time this year. The Bose Foundation made a gift in 2012 to sponsor the eighth Bose Scholarship. Awarded for the seventh time, the GEICO Scholarships are sponsored by GEICO Insurance.

Tau Beta Pi is the Engineering Honor Society, founded at Lehigh University in 1885. It has collegiate chapters at 242 engineering colleges in the United States and active alumni chapters in 39 cities. It has initiated more than 554,000 members in its 129-year history and is the world’s largest engineering society.