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FerrouSouth Solves Riddle of Wide, Heavy Gauge, High Strength CTL Flatness

With the pre-flattener in place, FerrouSouth is now capable of processing high strength (110,000 yield) steel up to ½” x 96” and providing dead flat, memory-free steel sheets. This accomplishment is new to the metal processing industry and is unique to FerrouSouth.
“Solving shape and memory problems in wide, heavy gauge, high grade products has been a struggle for everyone in the business,” stated FerrouSouth president, Ed Gonzalez. “Fortunately, we already have the country’s most powerful leveler and stretcher, so coupling this pre-flattener to our existing line yielded exceptional results. The addition of the pre-flattener has eliminated all the flatness problems that have plagued this type of material all across the U.S.”
After collaborating with Herr Voss to co-develop, engineer and manufacture the new pre-flattener, FerrouSouth put the machinery to the test. The results have been exemplary across the board.
“Sheets coming off The Eliminator have been dead flat, completely memory free with no coil set, crossbow, wave or center buckle,” said Gonzalez. “FerrouSouth is now the only toll processor in the country able to provide dead flat, memory free sheets in heavy gauge, wide, 110,000 yield material.”
The advantage to using memory free steel is that plasma, laser and flame cutting equipment can run faster and more consistently without having to slow-down or stop to deal with spring-back or warping issues. Users can enjoy greater yields and improved efficiency.

FerrouSouth supplies OEMs, service centers and other customers in the southern U.S. with toll slitting, precision leveling and stretcher leveling services for hot rolled steel products. The company, which is located directly at the port of the Tennessee River and the Tombigbee Waterway, is in the traffic lanes of steel commerce in the South. FerrouSouth offers a full range of competitive shipping options including barge, rail and truck. FerrouSouth is part of Ferragon Corporation, a holding entity for a family of toll processing companies.