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EVRAZ North America Supports Approval of the Keystone XL Pipeline

"We are very pleased that the House has once again approved Keystone XL," said Conrad Winkler, the company's president and CEO. "The pipeline will benefit North America in numerous well-documented ways, including the creation of thousands of valuable jobs and needed increased energy supplies.”
“We are optimistic that the Senate will follow suit when a similar bill comes up for vote on Tuesday,” added Winkler. “Keystone XL has undergone a lengthy review process over the past six years by the federal government. The State Department has concluded that the project, with its revised route, would create substantial economic benefits, while having minimal environmental impact. It's time to finally allow this project to be completed."
EVRAZ North America steelworkers have made more than 550 miles of pipe for the Keystone XL pipeline which, when completed, would run from Alberta, Canada, to the U.S. Gulf Coast. It is expected to create nearly 20,000 direct construction and manufacturing jobs in the U.S. It will also generate an additional 40,000 indirect jobs.