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EUROPIPE to Supply Pipe for Australian Sub-Sea Pipeline

Mülheim, Germany-based large-diameter pipe manufacturerEUROPIPE GmbH has successfully extended its reach to Australia, where it has been contracted to supply the main part of a major offshore project, the Ichthys LNG (liquefied natural gas) Project.
The Ichthys Project will transport natural gas from the Ichthys Field (in the Browse Basin, Timor Sea, Western Australia) to on-shore LNG plant at Darwin, Australia, via an 889-km sub-sea pipeline. The gas will be liquefied in one of the world’s largest LNG facilities and shipped mainly to Japan.

The project represents both sustainable economic benefits in Australia as well as a long-term, stable supply of cleaner energy that will help Japan to diversify its energy sources.

Production of pipe will run from April 2012 until February 2013 in the EUROPIPE Group’s large-diameter pipe mill located in Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany. The order secures a significant part of the mill’s production capacity during this period.
EUROPIPE GmbH is a joint venture of Salzgitter Mannesmann GmbH and Aktien-Gesellschaft der Dillinger Hüttenwerke,