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EPA Orders Metal Finisher to Fix Environmental Violations

Oct. 5, 2006 — EPA has ordered Bay State Galvanizing, Inc., Everett, Mass., to take measures to comply with federal clean water and waste disposal laws. EPA is also seeking penalties for the violations.

Under the federal Clean Water Act, the facility is required to update and implement a stormwater pollution prevention plan. Under the federal Resources Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and related Massachusetts laws, Bay State is required to comply with training requirements to reduce risks of employee exposure to hazardous wastes.

Bay State conducts metal finishing operations in an industrial section of Everett. Storm water from Bay State’s operations discharges through two storm drains to the City of Everett’s, which ultimately discharges into the Mystic River. EPA inspectors discovered that Bay State has failed to implement its “Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan,” which is required under the Storm Water Multi-Sector General Permit for Industrial Activities, which outlines the facility’s responsibilities for storm water management. Implementation of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan should reduce the pollutants in storm water discharges from the facility.

EPA’s Administrative Order seeks to ensure that Bay State updates and implements its Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan, utilizing best management practices and complying with inspection, sampling and training requirements.

The facility has also been cited in the past by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for training violations related to hazardous waste management. EPA’s action will ensure that Bay State complies with RCRA training requirements in the future, thus reducing the risk of employee exposure to hazardous waste and helping ensure that Bay State will manage its waste in an environmentally protective manner.

Under the Clean Water violation, Bay State is facing a maximum fine of up to $157,500, and under the Hazardous Waste violation the facility could be fined up to $32,500 per day per violation.