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Electralloy Announces Retirement, Names New Southwest Regional Sales Manager

Ed, who will retire from his position as southwest regional sales manager effective 31 December 2014, started working with Electralloy in 1988. Ed, who founded Texas Steel Products in 1991, also served as an auxiliary sheriff for Harris County, Houston, Texas.
Scott Pyle, a seasoned steel veteran has been named to fill Barnot’s position in January. Pyle has been working closely with Barnot since June to ensure a smooth transition.
Scott has 29 years of experience in nickel based and cobalt based alloys and specialty stainless steels including 26 years of sales experience.  He is adept in all areas of corrosion, high temperature and wear applications.  Wayne Weaver, vice president of sales, said, “Scott brings extensive background and experience and Electralloy is pleased and privileged to have him join our sales team.”
In announcing Barnot’s retirement, Electralloy president Tracy Rudolph said, “To have someone of Ed’s caliber for so many years was very fortunate for Electralloy.  We thank him for his outstanding service.  Electralloy will miss Ed and ‘Sunshine’ but we wish them great health and happiness as they enter the next phase of their lives”.
Barnot, an avid hunter and fisherman, has plans to do plenty of both.

Electralloy/G.O. Carlson Plate is a custom melter of specialty and stainless steel alloys.  The company provides AOD melt, electroslag remelt (ESR) and vacuum arc remelt (VAR), as well as conversion services.  Electralloy serves the aerospace, power generation, nuclear, forging, military, automotive, marine, agriculture, chemical, and other demanding applications.  Products range from simple low alloy steel to complex high-temperature alloys, in ingots, slabs, plate, billets, bars, master alloy pigs and Nitronic® weld wire.