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Duplex RH Plant from SMS Mevac Now in Operation at Shanxi Taigang Stainless Steel

This 80-metric-ton RH-TOP plant No. 2 enables the refining of various high-quality steel grades with low levels of hydrogen. Primarily, the plant is being used for the treatment of steel for electric sheet production.
The vacuum is generated by a four-stage steam-ejector vacuum pump with splash control system (RH-SC®) for reducing the splashing of steel.
Within this project, SMS Mevac’s supplies included nearly the complete basic engineering, main parts of the detail engineering, the delivery of key components of mechanical, electrical and instrumentation equipment, the complete level-1 and level-2 automation systems as well as supervision of installation and commissioning.

Pictured above: View of the 80-metric-ton duplex RH-TOP plant.