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Ductwork Failure Slows Production at Wheeling-Pittsburgh Steel

Wheeling-Pittsburgh Steel Corp. has partially restored electricity to steelmaking facilities following a collapse of ductwork and related equipment on the roof of its basic oxygen furnace building late last Thursday.

The collapse, which occurred just before 11 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 9, damaged electrical lines and other utility infrastructure, affecting the company's steelmaking facilities. Other company production facilities were not directly affected. Two workers were treated for minor injuries and released.

Production at the caster and EAF was expected to resume limited operation within several days, with the BOF expected to resume operations this week.

The incident appears to have been caused by a structural failure of undetermined origin. The company has begun an investigation to determine the exact cause of the incident. Work to fully restore utilities was underway by Friday.

Wheeling-Pittsburgh Corp., together with its primary subsidiary, Wheeling-Pittsburgh Steel Corp., is a metal products company with 3,100 employees. Its facilities are in Steubenville, Mingo Junction, Yorkville, and Martins Ferry, Ohio; Beech Bottom and Follansbee, W.Va.; and Allenport, Pa.