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DMKD to Improve Ironmaking Performance by Applying Pulverized Coal Injection

PAO Dneprovskij metallurgicheskij kombinat im. F.E. Dzerzhinskogo (DMKD), a company of the Industrial Union of Donbass (ISD), awarded Paul Wurth S.A., Luxembourg with orders for engineering and supply of coal grinding, drying and injection plants for their blast furnaces operated at DMKD’s Dneprodzerzhinsk works in Ukraine.
Paul Wurth’s contractual scope of supply comprises all key components including coal grinding mills, the injection plants with dynamic distribution of the pulverised coal as well as the complete control and automation systems of all necessary plant units.
The new technology will be applied to all four blast furnaces of the plant which nominally represent a total hot metal production of 11,850 tons per day.
The injection of pulverised coal will improve blast furnace process efficiency and increase productivity. The injected coal will replace natural gas as auxiliary reduction agent and a significant amount of metallurgical coke will be saved in comparison to the traditional ironmaking process.
A demanding project schedule foresees commissioning of the injection plants within only 19 months from contract effectiveness. The project will be executed in close cooperation with DMKD as well as with local, Ukrainian engineering and equipment suppliers, construction and erection companies.