Deacero Orders Five Scrap Shredders
11/15/2023 - Mexican long products producer Deacero has placed an order with Danieli Centro Recycling for five shredding plants to process light domestic scrap and car bodies, according to the equipment supplier.
According to Danieli, each of the five plants will include shredder machines, ferrous scrap cleaning and non-ferrous separation lines. Four of the shredders will be 2,000 hp units capable of outputting 50 ferrous tons per hour. The fifth will be a 4,000 hp unit that can produce 100 tons per hour.
“Ferrous downstream lines will include magnetic separation ensuring a high level of scrap cleanliness, while flexible in-line/off-line non-ferrous separation will recover zorba, a high-purity non-ferrous metals mix,” it said.
“All shredders will be powered by Danieli-patented inverter drives, which guarantee lower operational costs due to energy consumption savings up to 15%,” the company added.
The output will primarily feed Deacero meltshops in Mexico.