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Danieli to Provide Slab Casting Complex for Benxi

Benxi Iron & Steel (Group) Co., Ltd., P.R. China, recently awarded an order to Danieli Davy Distington for the installation of a new slab casting production plant at Benxi City in the Liaoning Province.
The order includes the supply of one twin-strand slab caster and one single-strand slab caster, designed for a combined capacity of five million tonnes/year. The project follows Danieli’s previous installation of two thin-slab casters already in operation at Benxi's plant.
Both casters will be fed by 175-tonne ladles and will have similar design and process features, such as a butterfly-type ladle turret with ladle-tilting capability to increase caster yield, and top-feeding dummy bar system. The vertical-curved roll diagram will have vertical part length exceeding 2.6 meters, 9.5-meter main radius, and a continuous bending and unbending design. They will incorporate Danieli’s patented INMO mold with integrated hydraulic oscillation system; dynamic soft reduction; air-mist secondary cooling controlled by dynamic mathematical model; and optimum segments with multiple split-roll design.
The single-strand machine will be equipped with Danieli Rotelec Multi-Mode EMS (MM-EMS). This state-of-the-art electromagnetic technology for slab molds was developed by Danieli Rotelec and NKK based on NKK's EMLS/EMLA, Danieli Rotelec's flow pattern concept, and the most recent knowledge on steel defect analysis, fluid flow mechanics, and magneto-hydrodynamic calculations.
Both casters will produce 230- and 250-mm thick slabs. Slab widths will range from 800 to 1600 mm on the twin-strand caster, and from 950 to 2200 mm on the single-strand caster. Benxi’s product mix for the new complex will include ULC, IF, LC, MC, HC, HSLA, TRIP, and API grades, as well as grain-oriented and non-grain-oriented Si-steels.
Danieli Automation is in charge of the design of the new plant’s complete automation system, including L1 and L2 control architecture with relevant process mathematical models. This order follows other similar Danieli orders presently under execution in China, such as those for Handan Iron & Steel Group and Shouguang Jingtang.