Danieli Morgardshammar to Upgrade Ares Bar Mill
01/01/2005 - Ares SA (Arcelor Group), Luxembourg, has awarded Danieli Morgårdshammar an order for the modernization of its Bar Mill C located in Rodange.
Ares SA (Arcelor Group), Luxembourg, has awarded Danieli Morgårdshammar an order for the modernization of its Bar Mill C located in Rodange.
The mill modernization consists of six new finishing P-600 series housingless stands with surrounding equipment such as shears, loopers, and three sets of Morgårdshammar guiding equipment for the complete mill. The modernization also includes Danieli 4-strand slit-rolling technology that will help Ares achieve its target mill speed of 18 meters/second while facilitating a significant increase of capacity.
The plant is designed to produce 8- to 63.5-mm deformed bars in low- and medium-carbon steels at the maximum rated capacity of 130 tonnes/hour.
Plant startup is foreseen by mid 2005.