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Corsa Announces Hyundai Steel Contract

Corsa Coal Corp. announced that it has entered into a long term sales arrangement with Hyundai Steel Co. to provide its Wilson Creek low volatile coal to Hyundai Steel. This follows the successful test shipments of approximately 40,000 tons of this coal by Hyundai Steel at its operations in Korea.
Don Charter, president and CEO stated, "We are delighted to enter into this relationship with Hyundai Steel and look forward to a long term relationship. Once again this demonstrates the quality of the Wilson Creek low vol coal we produce and the importance of this coal in the domestic and international market. This is another step in establishing Corsa as a reliable provider of quality low vol met coal."
A Hyundai Steel spokesperson stated, "At Hyundai we are delighted with the quality of the Wilson Creek low vol coal and see this contract as a first step in establishing a long term relationship with Corsa."

Corsa's main operating subsidiaries are Wilson Creek Energy LLC and Maryland Energy Resources LLC based in Somerset County, Pa. Its primary business is the mining, processing and selling of metallurgical coal, as well as actively exploring,   acquiring   and   developing   resource   properties consistent with its coal business.