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Construction on thyssenkrupp Hot Strip Mil Upgrade Reaches Milestone  

According to project contractor Primetals Technologies, the cornerstone ceremony marked the start of on-site pre-assembly work for both the No. 4 continuous caster and the No. 4 hot strip mill. The ceremony came just days after thyssenkrupp inaugurated a Primetals Technologies-built 2-stand reversing cold mill at its Bochum plant. 

“Our new and rebuilt facilities will enable us to meet the changing needs of the market, e.g., the demand for higher-strength steel grades, lower tolerances and optimized surfaces,” said Heike Denecke-Arnold, thyssenkrupp Steel’s chief operations officer. "This is also a strong signal to our customers, who will benefit from increased flexibility and availability, as a result of the new facilities."

Under the project, thyssenkrupp is separating the existing casting and rolling line, revamping the No. 4 two-strand caster and a modernizing the No. 4 hot strip mill. A new caster also will be installed to replace the existing No. 1 unit once the revamp of the casting-rolling line is completed.

thyssenkrupp ordered the reversing cold mill, the hot strip mill, and two thick-slab casters from Primetals Technologies in 2021. The new equipment is a centerpiece in thyssenkrupp’s plans, and all the projects are scheduled to be completed over the course of 2025.

“We are very happy to collaborate with thyssenkrupp Steel in this massively important project that will have a great impact not just in the Rhine and Ruhr region in Germany but also for Europe as a whole. Close to a third of the larger investment plan comes from Primetals Technologies, and our technology will ensure that thyssenkrupp steel is set to supply the fast-growing markets for high-strength steel and other advanced steel grades,” said Hans-Jürgen Zeiher, head of electrics and automation at Primetals Technologies.