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CMC Zawiercie Operates New Bar Mill with Morgan XpertManager

Siemens VAI Metals Technologies has received an order from CMC Zawiercie S.A. to equip a new bar mill with the Morgan XpertManager manufacturing execution system (MES). This is the fourth long-product rolling mill at CMC Zawiercie that will be operated with XpertManager.
Linked to the plant’s SAP system, the MES offers system operators an overview of relevant production and process data, controls the production process, and facilitates coordination of different parts of a plant.
The system will enable CMC Zawiercie to analyze operations, manage production, and optimize the mill’s throughput, coordinating its production with an existing bar mill and rod outlet. XpertManager receives execution orders from the SAP system and provides all necessary information for mill setup, then tracks the product to ensure it moves correctly through the process.
The MES software consists of various components that collect and process data, analyze that data, and present production evaluations that can be used to improve many aspects of the operation in the form of real-time key performance indicators. These include identifying equipment problems, optimizing distribution of manpower, developing operator efficiency, and increasing product quality.
XpertManager was developed by Morgan Construction Co., a Siemens VAI business, together with former mill operators.
CMC Zawiercie is Poland’s second largest steel producer and is a part of Commercial Metals Co., headquartered in Irving, Tex.
The Siemens Industry Sector (Germany) is a leading international supplier of environmentally friendly production, transportation, building and lighting technologies. With around 207,000 employees worldwide (September 30), Siemens Industry achieved in fiscal year 2009 total sales of approximately €35 billion.
The Siemens Industry Solutions Division (Germany), one of the world’s leading solution and service providers for industrial and infrastructure facilities, comprises the business activities of Siemens VAI Metals Technologies, Water Technologies and Industrial Technologies. With around 31,000 employees worldwide (September 30), Siemens Industry Solutions posted sales of €6.8 billion in fiscal year 2009.