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China Steel Organizes Research Alliance for Hot Stamping

China Steel, Taiwan, recently invited a number of related companies and academic institutions to form a new alliance designed to enhance the competitiveness of the domestic auto industry.
The new group — the Research Alliance for Hot Stamping — held its founding conference earlier this month at China Steel and hosted by CSC’s Technology Vice President Yu-Soong Chen. Attendees at the conference included Vice CEO Chia-Min Wei of Metal Industries R&D Centre (MIRDC), members of the alliance, and other elite professionals from the related industrial and academic fields.
Vice President Yu-Soong Chen indicated that the world trend toward “Energy saving and environment protection” has led global automakers to pursue a new set of main objectives: continued weight reduction and higher vehicle safety.
European and American auto manufacturers have used the hot stamping forming process for the production of auto parts such as B-pillar, bumpers and door reinforced beams because the process offers higher dimensional stability, ultrahigh strength, and fewer passes in the forming process. By 2012, it is projected that the global auto industry’s use of hot stamping parts will reach a total number of 350 million and the number of production lines will increase from 140 to 400~500.
Vice President Chen emphasized that the purpose to form this Hot Stamping Research Alliance is to unite the strength and integrate the advantages of the team's power for development of materials, forming techniques, mold design and production equipment needed for the hot stamping process. It is anticipated that founding of the alliance could enable Taiwan to develop its own hot stamping techniques and capability for the new generation vehicle development market, thus enhancing the international competitiveness of Taiwan’s auto industry. The new foundation could also help the country’s pursuit of “triple-win” among upstream steel plants, downstream customers and the government.