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China Embracing Green Technology from SMS Group

Conserving energy and protecting the environment are important issues for the People’s Republic of China. Now, thanks to state-of-the-art technology, even the metallurgical industry is in a position to reconcile environmental and financial concerns. This was the most important conclusion reached at a conference held in Beijing by German plant construction and mechanical engineering SMS group and an organization comprising various Chinese ministries.
In front of more than 200 representatives from the industrial and political areas, the SMS group set out how eco plant-oriented solutions can improve the running of metallurgical plants in both environmental and financial terms. What makes these solutions particularly attractive is the fact that they both lower operating costs and emissions at the same time.
The speakers from SMS presented solutions covering the entire metallurgical process chain, from pig iron production through to the manufacture of finished metal sheets, strips and pipes.
Continuous mill technology (CMT), for example, is extremely energy efficient. By linking the steel works directly to the rolling mill, the SMS group’s specialists have developed a process which coordinates continuous casting and rolling more efficiently. In cost terms, CMT saves around € 11 per tonne, while also cutting CO2 emissions by 72,000 tonnes annually.