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Canadian Steel industry Applauds Gov’t Order to Prevent Buy America on Canadian Soil

A government order under the Foreign Extraterritorial Measures Act (FEMA) was signed by Minister Fast on 19 January 2015, effectively securing Canada's right to prevent compliance with the Buy America provisions for the Prince Rupert Ferry Terminal redevelopment project.
"Buy America provisions deny both countries' companies and communities the clear benefits that arise from our integrated supply chain and our commitment to freer and more open trade. We call upon our American friends to join with us to end the harm such policies are doing within our shared North American economy," said Minister Fast in a media release announcing the order.
"This sends a strong message to our trading partners around the world that Canadians and the Canadian government will stand up to any threats to our sovereignty, our economy and Canadian jobs," said Ed Whalen, president of the Canadian Institute of Steel Construction.
"The Canadian steel industry has been strongly advocating for free, fair and reciprocal trade and urges our trading partners to remove any protectionist barriers that negatively impact our open and competitive marketplace," added Mr. Whalen.
"We are proud of the leadership that our government has shown in defending Canadian interests," remarked Tareq Ali, CISC marketing & communications director. "We now call on provincial and municipal governments to level the playing field by passing reciprocal procurement legislation."

The CISC is Canada's voice for the steel construction industry, providing leadership in design and construction efficiency, quality and innovation.  The CISC promotes the use and benefits of steel in construction, adds value to the construction and design community and supports the needs of the membership and industry through education and training, research and development, industry codes and standards, certification, and advocacy.