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BlueScope Steel Appoints Non Executive Director

BlueScope Steel announced the appointment of Kenneth Dean as a non-executive director, effective April 21, 2009.
Welcoming Kenneth Dean, BlueScope Steel Chairman Graham Kraehe said, "He brings to the Board extensive international financial and commercial experience. His appointment complements the existing balance of the Board, further strengthening its financial expertise. Ken's expert knowledge in the fields of finance, treasury, auditing, IT, and mergers and acquisitions will allow him to make a significant contribution.
“He has an extensive background in global industry,” added Kraehe, “and with his strong financial credentials he will immediately join BlueScope's Audit and Risk Committee.”
Kenneth Dean has been a director of Santos Limited since 2005 and has held past directorships with Alcoa of Australia Limited, Woodside Petroleum Limited and Shell Australia Limited. He spent more than 30 years in a variety of senior management roles with Shell in Australia and the United Kingdom.

Dean’s last position with Shell, which he held for five years, was as Chief Executive Officer of Shell Finance Services based in London. In 2005, he was named Chief Financial Officer of Alumina Limited, a position he recently resigned to focus on non-executive directorship roles.
“I am very pleased to be joining BlueScope Steel's Board and look forward to working with the other directors to make a positive contribution to BlueScope Steel's future,” commented Dean.
Dean will be the eighth member of the BlueScope Steel Board, as he joins Chairman Kraehe, Ron McNeilly, Diane Grady, Daniel Grollo, Kevin McCann, Paul O'Malley (Managing Director and CEO) and Tan Yam Pin. Dean, along with Messrs Grollo and McCann, will nominate for re-election at the next Annual General Meeting.