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Auto-Steel Group Promotes LCA as More Responsible Reflection of GHG Emissions

The World Steel Association, in partnership with its automotive branch, WorldAutoSteel, presented its latest findings on energy savings and CO2 emission reductions in steel this week during the International Scientific Congress on Climate Change in Copenhagen.
While tailpipe emissions are currently the de facto measurement for greenhouse gas emissions for autos, the trade association said that global steel industries are calculating greenhouse gas emissions using Lifecycle Assessment as the most accurate and responsible method to achieve the world's climate objectives.
Lifecycle Assessment measures a product or materials' environmental performance from cradle-to-grave (or from cradle-to-cradle). Results presented by World Steel Association and WorldAutoSteel demonstrated the validity of this tool for the support of broader, more accurate assessment of environmental performance in the auto industry. According to the trade association, this model shows that steel is the lowest generator of greenhouse gases in comparison to competing materials.
"This methodology has been largely overlooked by legislators concerned primarily with the use phase (i.e. vehicles' tailpipe emissions),” said WorldAutoSteel Director Ed Opbroek. “Yet, as we move toward hybrids and plug-in vehicles with alternate body structures and new advanced powertrains, material selection becomes essential to maximize global GHG emission reductions."
World Steel Association and WorldAutoSteel made their presentation on energy savings and CO2 emission reductions in steel during the International Scientific Congress on Climate Change, which took place in Copenhagen on March 10-12. Conclusions of the congress will be transmitted to world leaders and policymakers in the run-up to the post-Kyoto Climate Change conference in December.
WorldAutoSteel, the automotive group of the World Steel Association, continually explores steel innovation that demonstrates and communicates the value of steel in automobiles to industry and society. Its member companies from around the world pool global resources within and beyond the steel industry to deliver vital research that is central to effective steel automobile applications. WorldAutoSteel continues to lead the materials revolution through such projects as the Future Steel Vehicle (FSV) program, a long-term program that will deliver auto body concepts that address alternative powertrains, such as advanced hybrid, electric, and fuel cell systems.
The FSV program is the fifth in a series of auto steel research projects, following on the heels of the UltraLight Steel family, which revolutionized the kinds of steels normally applied to auto bodies, and also demonstrated innovative steel vehicle designs. Previous segments of the program have included ULSAB, ULSAC, ULSAS, and ULSAB-AVC (Advanced Vehicle Concepts). The FSV program is expected to stimulate the same developments in upcoming alternative vehicles.
WorldAutoSteel members include:
  • Arcelor Mittal, Luxembourg
  • Baoshan Iron & Steel Co. Ltd., China
  • China Steel Corp., Taiwan, China
  • Hyundai-Steel Co., South Korea
  • JFE Steel Corp., Japan
  • Kobe Steel, Ltd., Japan
  • Nippon Steel Corp., Japan
  • Nucor Corp., USA
  • Posco, South Korea
  • Severstal, Russia/USA
  • Sumitomo Metal Industries, Ltd., Japan
  • Tata Steel & Corus, India, UK, Netherlands
  • ThyssenKrupp Stahl AG, Germany
  • United States Steel Corp., USA
  • Usinas Siderurgicas de Minas Gerais SA - Brazil
  • voestalpine Stahl GmbH, Austria
The Automotive Applications Council is a subcommittee of the Steel Market Development Institute, a business unit of AISI. The council focuses on advancing the use of steel in the highly competitive automotive market. SMDI's Automotive Applications Council members are:
  • ArcelorMittal USA
  • ArcelorMittal Dofasco
  • Nucor Corp.
  • Severstal North America Inc.
  • United States Steel Corp.