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Auditors Confirm NLMK’s Compliance with ISO 14001-2004

NLMK, Russia, has successfully passed a recertification audit of its Environment Management System. The audit was administered by TÜV CERT (Germany), the certification authority, for compliance with the requirements of ISO 14001-2004.
NLMK’s production activity and technical service operations were inspected as part of the audit, as were current documents in the environment management system. Auditors reported a positive evaluation of the company’s environmental activity in 2007, as well as its environment-oriented programs that are to be implemented this year. Auditors also confirmed that the company meets its international obligations in terms of environmental protection.
Based on the results of the recertification audit, NLMK’s certificate of compliance with the requirements of ISO 14001-2004 (Environment Management System) has been extended by three years.
NLMK, the third-largest single-site steel plant in Russia, first passed an independent certification audit of its environment management system for compliance with international standard ISO-14001 in 2002, making it one of the first Russian steelmaking companies to do so. As part of its Technical Upgrading Programme, NLMK invested RUR 3.4 billion into environmental activity between 2000 and 2005; more than RUR 1.5 billion in 2007 for additional environmental projects; and approximately 3 billion rubles in 2008 for nature-oriented programs. Between 2007 and 2011, NLMK plans to invest more than RUR 10 billion of capex into environmental projects at its Lipetsk site.