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ASTM Issues Call for Input on New Steel Tube Standard

“There are no ASTM standards that currently address ultrahigh-strength steel tubing,” said ASTM International member Dean Richardson. “The new standard will define the requirements for these new steels.”

The new standard is being created by ASTM’s steel, stainless steel and related alloys committee and is intended to help support innovation in the automotive industry. 

According to Richardson, who directs the development of tubular products at L&W Group, the tubes covered in the proposed standard help reduce the amount of materials needed in production, lowering vehicle weights and energy consumption.

Richardson said that the committee has worked with U. S. Steel to acquire several varieties of new, high-strength steel to fabricate tubes and trial-test the resulting examples.

“This material was crucial in getting the information used in creating the working outline of the proposed standard,” said Richardson. “Any input from other steelmakers or fabricators would be welcome to develop a robust and useful specification.”