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ArcelorMittal to Supply Steel for South Africa’s Koeberg Power Station

On 6 September, AREVA announced that it had won a €300 million contract to replace the generators at the nuclear power station close to Cape Town which is operated by Eskom, South Africa’s public electricity company.

Industeel is a long-time partner of AREVA and for several years has been supplying it with steel for building steam generators and the forged components used in nuclear power stations.

This contract strengthens Industeel's position as a key player in the nuclear energy market. With a worldwide reputation, Industeel has also participated in the building of several types of reactor including: EPR or evolutionary power reactor; pressurized water reactor (PWR); boiling water reactor (BWR); fast breeder reactor (FBR) and CANDU (short for CANada Deuterium Uranium). Its research and development center, located in Le Creusot, France, is manned by around 50 engineers who have developed a range of steel grades to satisfy the quality criteria expected in this market, such as nitric resisting alloys for spent fuel reprocessing, borated stainless steels for nuclear waste containers and low magnetic permeability grades for nuclear physics. 
Vincent Pairet, CEO of Industeel, said: "This new order confirms the strong relationship we have enjoyed with AREVA for close to 10 years. Our teams develop high quality steel with state-of-the art technical specifications for AREVA and the other operators in the nuclear market, to satisfy the very demanding standards required by this sector of the energy industry."

Pictured above: Ingot to be used in building the generator. Courtesy ArcelorMittal.