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ArcelorMittal Progresses on New Steel CSR Certification

Called ResponsibleSteel, the certification will enable steel producers to prove their production processes and products meet rigorously defined standards across a broad range of social, environmental and ethical criteria, ArcelorMittal said. 

“It will also serve to improve responsible sourcing of raw materials used in steelmaking and reduce supply chain risk,” it added. 

The steelmaker is a founding member of the ResponsibleSteel initiative, which also includes Aperam, BlueScope Steel, Valin ArcelorMittal Automotive Steel Co. and voestalpine; several industry groups; and automakers and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The initiative aims to set a single, global standard for the entire “mine-to-metal” steel value chain.

Alan Knight, ArcelorMittal’s head of sustainable development and co-chair of the ResponsibleSteel initiative, said he is encouraged by the progress made so far. 

“I am confident the scheme will be market-ready later this year and will achieve its objective of providing the reassurance steel customers and industry stakeholders need on industry sustainability standards,” he said. 

“Steel industry participants clearly have an important role to play in its development, but an accreditation scheme created solely by the steel industry and for the steel industry would lack credibility. The multi-stakeholder aspect is critical, so the support and membership sign-up we have received from mining majors, financial institutions, steel-consuming customers and NGOs brings that credibility,” he said.