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ArcelorMittal Princeton Receives 2010 Large Surface Mine Safety Award

ArcelorMittal Princeton (USA) announced that Extra Energy's Virginia Point Surface Mine, wholly owned by ArcelorMittal, has been awarded the 2010 Large Surface Mine Safety Award by the Virginia Division of Mines, Minerals and Energy (VADMME).
The Virginia Point Surface Mine logged 201,383 man-hours and produced 575,177 tons of coal in 2010. That same year, the mine also reduced the NFDL (non-fatal days lost) incident rate from 3.49 in 2009 to 0.0 in 2010, making the Virginia Point Surface Mine the safest and most productive large surface mine in Virginia.

ArcelorMittal's Twin State Mining's Highwall Miner #55 won the same award in the Small surface mine category. The Highwall miner, which is also located and operated on the Virginia Point Surface Mine property, reduced its NFDL incident rate from 6.43 in 2008 to 0.0 in 2009 and remained at 0.0 in 2010.
In addition, Twin State Mining's Highwall Miner #55 Superintendent Keith Casey won an individual award for working 17 years without a lost time accident. Casey has been employed with Twin State Mining for 4.5 years in various positions.

Extra Energy mines the reserves that can be safely and economically mined using surface mining techniques and Twin State mines the reserves that are not surface mineable or cannot be mined underground by the traditional room and pillar mining technique. This award shows the amount of teamwork and focus that these two companies employ to make Virginia Point Surface Mine the Safest and most Productive Mine in Virginia.
"I am very pleased with all the efforts that have been put forth from everyone involved with this operation,” said Greg Jessee, President CEO of ArcelorMittal Princeton. “’We feel strongly that the push for safety has and is changing the culture at ArcelorMittal Princeton.
“To be awarded number one in the state in both Large Surface Mine and Small Surface Mine is a great honor that didn't happen by chance,” continued Jessee. “Starting in the second half of 2009 ArcelorMittal Princeton expanded its safety department and made a commitment to put SAFETY FIRST ALWAYS.
“ArcelorMittal Princeton feels this is a great accomplishment but certainly not the end. We are implementing the Courageous Leadership Program in hopes to sustain and maintain a 0.0% NFDL and expect to win these Awards again in 2011,” added Jessee. “This is one more step on our Journey to Zero.”