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ArcelorMittal Plants in Africa, South America Are Going Green

ArcelorMittal South Africa is currently developing two 100-megawatt (MW) renewable energy plants. One of the plants will be in Gauteng and the other in the Western Cape, according to a statement released last week.  
The company expects the feasibility study to be completed during 2023/2024 and the benefits of the plants to be realized in 2025. The plant hopes to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.
Acindar — an ArcelorMittal branch in Argentina — will invest $140 million to build the San Luis Norte wind farm in southern province of Chubut. This will be done in partnership with Petroquímica Comodoro Rivadavia, a chemicals firm.
“Adding renewable energies to our plant’s energy supplies not only brings a benefit to the company, but also to the economy as a whole, since electrical capacity is released for other purposes and the demand for foreign currency is reduced,” said Acindar chief executive Everton Negresiolo.
The new wind-powered plants are expected for start-up in the second half of 2023.