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ArcelorMittal Only Mill in Czech Republic Producing Tubes with Polypropylene Coating

ArcelorMittal Tubular Products Ostrava (AMTPO), a subsidiary of ArcelorMittal Ostrava, has successfully launched the manufacture of tubes with a new type of coating for the transportation of drinking water and oil and gas. A three-layer polypropylene coating protects seamless or welded steel tubes against corrosion and can prevent mechanical, thermal or chemical damage during transport, storage or installation of tubes. The tube plant has begun booking the first orders for this product.
“The advantages of polypropylene coating are an excellent hardness and a smooth surface. It is used where resistance to scratching is required, predominantly in rocky grounds,” explains Aleš Král, COO of AMTPO. Polypropylene coating also has superior resistance to high temperatures. It is suitable for working temperatures ranging from -20°C to 110°C while the common polyethylene coating, which is also included in the tube plant's portfolio, is used for temperatures from -20°C to 60°C.

ArcelorMittal Tubular Products Ostrava a.s. is the biggest producer of tubes and pipes in the Czech Republic. Its main product is smooth, threaded, and flanged seamless OCTG. The company also manufactures spirally welded pipes for the gas industry. Its annual production capacity is 320,000 tonnes. ArcelorMittal Tubular Products Ostrava has 1047 employees and is a subsidiary of ArcelorMittal Ostrava a.s.
ArcelorMittal Ostrava a.s. is the largest steelmaker in the Czech Republic and part of the world’s largest steel and mining group ArcelorMittal. It has production capacity of 3 million tonnes of steel annually; about 50% of the output is exported to more than 60 countries worldwide. ArcelorMittal Ostrava and its subsidiaries employ more than 7500 people. Average income of its employees amounted to 34,213 CZK in 2012. ArcelorMittal Ostrava produces iron and steel in compliance with all environmental legislation. It already conforms to the EU best available techniques (BAT) emission limits that are to be binding only from 2016 onwards. The sole shareholder is ArcelorMittal Holdings A.G.