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ArcelorMittal Named Among Global Top Companies for Leaders

“With nearly 180 organizations participating in this year’s Aon Hewitt study, ArcelorMittal was selected as a result of our continued commitment to developing a strong and effective talent and leadership pipeline” said Brian Callaghan, vice president, leadership development. “Leadership is crucial in developing any kind of culture, but particularly important when high performance is key. And that means increasing leadership capability at all levels of the company, not just at the top of the organization.”
In 2011 ArcelorMittal were selected as one of only seven Top Companies for Leaders in Europe by Aon Hewitt. Following further improvement and integration of leadership policies into the group the company has now been ranked in Aon Hewitt’s global listing.
Conducted since 2001, the Aon Hewitt Top Companies for Leaders study explores how organisations assess, select, develop and reward leaders, and examines the execution of leadership practices as well as the strategy that guides it. This year's winners were selected and ranked by an expert panel of independent judges based on a number of criteria, including strength of leadership practices and culture, examples of leader development on a global scale, alignment of business and leadership strategy, company reputation, business and financial performance.
“In today’s complex and unpredictable business landscape, Top Companies for Leaders are passionate about cultivating resilient and engaging leaders who take the time to know and develop their talent and understand what experiences they need to rise above the rest,” said Pete Sanborn, global talent practice leader, Aon Hewitt.