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ArcelorMittal Mills Seek New Sustainability Credential

In a statement, ArcelorMittal said the sites will now undertake a 12-month audit of their production processes to ensure they meet rigorously defined standards across a broad range of social, environmental and governance criteria. 

Those criteria are set out under the ResponsibleSteel certification, the steel industry’s first global standard and certification initiative aimed at improving greenhouse gas emissions, water stewardship, human and labor rights and business integrity, the company said. 

In order to receive the certification, each site will undergo a third-party audit before a final decision from an independent certification committee.
“Responsible production techniques and high ethical and business standards have become increasingly important to our customers and consumers,” said Geert Van Poelvoorde, chief executive officer of ArcelorMittal Europe – Flat Products, in a statement. 

“It’s at the heart of how we do business, giving our customers the reassurance that we meet their sustainability expectations by meeting carbon, environmental and social standards at every stage of production.”
Sites in Belgium, Germany, Spain and France will be part of the initial wave of auditing.