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ArcelorMittal Mills First to Receive ResponsibleSteel Certification 

“The certification process has involved many teams across ArcelorMittal, and I would like to congratulate them for their hard work in being the first sites to achieve ResponsibleSteel certification – this is a major achievement,” said Geert Van Poelvoorde, ArcelorMittal Europe chief executive. 

ResponsibleSteel is a multi-stakeholder standard and certification initiative meant to show that steel manufacturing sites meet a rigorously defined set of standards across a broad range of social, environmental and governance criteria. 

The standard is based on 12 principles with a variety of criteria and underlying requirements. To be awarded with ResponsibleSteel certification, each site has to undergo a detailed third-party audit, with an independent certification committee making the final certification decision.

“Responsible production techniques and high ethical and business standards have become increasingly important to our customers and consumers. ResponsibleSteel certification gives our customers the reassurance that we meet expectations on setting carbon reduction targets, as well as meeting expectations on environmental and social standards at every stage of production,” Poelvoorde said.