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ArcelorMittal, voestalpine Teaming Up to Market New Automotive Steel

Developed by voestalpine, the line is called phs-directform. It is a lightweight, high-strength steel that can be used in direct stamping. It was developed to meet demand for automotive steels that are robust, but highly formable, corrosion resistant and lightweight, ArcelorMittal said.    

The company also said that hot-forming has become important to the automotive industry in meeting crash-performance criteria and ensuring low vehicle weight. Numerous automotive manufacturers use the process to produce structural automotive parts such as B-pillars, roof frames and roof bows, bumpers, stiffeners, sills and cross-members.

“With this agreement with voestalpine on phs-directform, we have the widest range of hot-stamped steels in the world, with products accommodating any kind of hot-stamping process: Usibor, Ductibor and phs-directform for direct stamping, as well as galvanized press-hardened steels for indirect stamping,” said Philippe Aubron, chief marketing officer for ArcelorMittal’s European automotive division.