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Arcelor Signs Global Agreement with Trade Union Federations


Arcelor has signed a worldwide agreement on principles of corporate social responsibility with the International Metalworkers' Federation (IMF) and the European Metalworkers' Federation (EMF). The global steelmaker is the first company in the steel industry to sign such an agreement.

Fundamental social rights covered by the agreement include freedom of choice of employment, non-discrimination, the banning of child labor, freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining.

The agreement also covers a number of labor-related matters given high priority by Arcelor such as health and safety, environment, social dialogue, communication and the anticipative management of industrial and economic change.

A joint committee will monitor the implementation and application of the agreement.

Arcelor CEO Guy Dollé said: "This agreement is an expression and a confirmation of our principles of responsibility and of our commitment to the respect and fair treatment of each and every member of our staff. As a global company we apply the same high ethical and social standards wherever we operate. We are convinced that this commitment will help us to grow internationally in a sustainable way."

Rob Johnston of the IMF welcomed the international agreement with Arcelor and the value the company places on its workforce. "This agreement not only gives recognition to the vital importance of Arcelor's workforce, but also sets out in clear terms how the company will respect its workers worldwide. We look forward to working with Arcelor to implement this agreement, the first of its kind in the steel sector," said Rob Johnston.

Peter Scherrer, EMF General Secretary said: "As a major global steel producer, Arcelor is setting high standards in corporate social responsibility and we hope that this will set a trend and that we will see other companies in the steel sector follow this example".

A joint committee will monitor the implementation and application of the agreement.

Arcelor is a leading player of the global steel industry. With a turnover of 30 billion euros in 2004, the company holds leading positions in its main markets: automotive, construction, household appliances and packaging as well as general industry. The company - number one steel producer in Europe and Latin America – endeavors to further expand internationally in order to capture the growth potential of developing economies and offer technologically advanced steel solutions to its global customers. Arcelor employs 95,000 associates in over 60 countries. The company places its commitment to sustainable development at the heart of its strategy and ambitions to be a benchmark for economic performance, labor relations and social responsibility.

The International Metalworkers' Federation represents the collective interests of 25 million metalworkers in more than 200 unions in 100 countries. The IMF is a federation of national unions - a union of unions - in the metal industry at world level. The IMF head office is in Geneva, Switzerland, where worldwide activities are coordinated with a network of regional offices.

The European Metalworkers' Federation is the umbrella organization representing 65 metalworkers' unions from 30 countries with a combined total of 6.5 million affiliates. The EMF acts on behalf of representative metalworkers' unions from all the Member States of the European Union as well as from Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Norway, Iceland, Croatia, Serbia and Switzerland. Established in 1971, the EMF has a mandate for the external representation and coordination of the metalworkers' unions. The EMF Secretariat is located in Brussels.