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Arcelor Confirms Receipt of Mittal Business Plan

June 8, 2006 — Arcelor confirmed that it received on Friday, June 2nd, under cover of a confidentiality agreement, a standalone Mittal Steel business plan. Arcelor had requested Mittal Steel’s business plan in order for Arcelor to evaluate Mittal’s unsolicited offer.

Although its review of the Mittal Steel business plan is ongoing, Arcelor says that it has identified a number of questions related to the business plan and has requested a meeting for the purpose of seeking answers to these questions. Arcelor anticipates that a meeting between representatives of the two management teams to discuss the Mittal Steel standalone business plan will take place in the coming days.

Arcelor holds leadership positions in its main markets: automotive, construction, household appliances and packaging as well as general industry. The company endeavors to further expand internationally in order to capture the growth potential of developing economies and offer technologically advanced steel solutions to its global customers. In 2006, Arcelor employs 110,000 associates in over 60 countries. The company places its commitment to sustainable development at the heart of its strategy and ambitions to be a benchmark for economic performance, labor relations and social responsibility.