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Aperam Fire to Benefit Other EU Stainless Steel Makers

A fire affecting output at a French Aperam stainless steel plant will benefit Outokumpu and other European producers and will put upward pressure on European prices in the next few months, market players said this week, Reuters reports.
Europe's third largest stainless steel maker, Aperam, said last week that a fire at its Gueugnon plant, in eastern France, damaged a main processing line and will affect production until at least the second quarter.
The Gueugnon plant is a major European supplier of stainless steel flat products, used in everything from automotive to home appliances. It produces about 350,000 tonnes a year of finished stainless steel products.
"As a consequence of the Aperam fire we expect to see short supply of cold-rolled products in the market in the next few months," a southern European stockholder said…
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