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AMI GE and Zolo Technologies Agree to Cooperate on EAF Technology

The ZoloSCAN system measures the most critical combustion gases and temperature on near real time basis (less than two second update rate) providing steelmakers with important process control information never before available. The ZoloSCAN system is based on tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS) which is a proven technology for rapid reporting of combustion gases in high temperature, harsh industrial processes. Zolo’s proprietary technology provides continuous laser light transmission through dusty periods of the EAF cycle. Already operating in a large EAF for over one year, the ZoloSCAN system has proven to be highly reliability, while providing rapid response and requiring minimal maintenance. Real time detection of water vapor in the waste gas provides EAF steelmakers with a tool to detect process upsets such as potentially dangerous water leaks faster than any other technology available.
AMI GE is a world leader in providing process control and optimization to EAFs, with more than 150 EAF installations worldwide. As part of the cooperation agreement, AMI GE has developed a new SmartFurnace off-gas module that uses the ZoloSCAN information and integrates into its EAF SmartFurnace system. The SmartFurnace off-gas module uses the information provided by the ZoloSCAN into a real time closed-loop process control algorithm to optimize energy and EAF operation on a real time dynamic basis.
“As the recognized leader in EAF process control, AMI GE was an easy choice for a partner” said Reed Sarver, CEO Zolo Technologies. “Integrating the best process control organization with the best laser diagnostics company, just makes sense”. Fernando Martinez, vice president AMI GE stated, “We are pleased to partner with Zolo Technologies because they have experience and expertise that no other company in the EAF off gas analysis business has. Together we gained our first customer commitment almost immediately after completion of the agreement which indicates how interested steelmakers are in our offering. We foresee every high performance EAF in the near future using this kind of technology from a safety and efficiency perspective.”

AMI GE International, Monterrey, Mexico, is a GE JV is a leader in EAF optimization and electrode regulation, providing optimization, control and meltshop solutions for steel industry applications since 1987 Zolo Technologies, Inc., Boulder, Colo., is the global leader in providing ultra-harsh combustion monitoring systems to the power generation, steel and petro-chemical refining markets with over 60 units worldwide. Zolo’s technology can measure where no other technology can. As a result, customers are realizing improvements in process performance, efficiency, reliability and safety. Zolo Technologies is ISO 9001 certified and designs, develops, manufactures, installs and services all of our products.