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Alacero Appoints New General Director

During the event, the Board of Alacero also recognized and acknowledged Moreno’s contributions to the institution. Moreno will remain close to Alacero in the role of senior consultant.
The appointment of Rafael Rubio responds to Alacero’s need to continue and strengthen its essential objectives:
1.     Promote the industrialization of Latin America, a process in which the steel value chain plays a crucial role;
2.     Advocate for fair international trade conditions in the region that enable the local industry to compete and develop;
3.     Promote the advantages of steel as a material in its various applications and the contributions of the industry to the economic, social and environmental sustainability of the region.

With a 25-year career in the steel industry before his arrival to Alacero, Rubio worked in the area of institutional relations of Ternium Mexico. His extensive experience includes the participation in many industry-related and international trade institutions, including his roles as president of the Foreign Trade Commission of the National Chamber of the Iron and Steel Industry (Canacero) and chairman of the Economy and Institutional Relations Committee of Alacero. He also contributes actively in the North American Steel Trade Committee, the North American Staff Group of the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI), and the Economic Committee of the World Steel Association (worldsteel). He is a member of the Board of the Mexican Council for Foreign Trade (Comce Northeast), the Chamber of the Transformation Industry of Nuevo Leon (Caintra), and the Committee of Foreign Trade of the Confederation of Industrial Chambers of Mexico (Concamin).
He has also participated in several international negotiations of the steel industry and has represented the sector in all the free trade agreements signed by Mexico, including the coordination of the negotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA, 1993). Currently, he represents the Mexican Private Sector in the Trade Remedies Chapter that negotiates the Trans-Pacific Economic Partnership (TPP).
Rafael Rubio holds a Ph.D. and Masters in economics from Cornell University (USA) and has a degree in economics from the Institute of Technology and Superior Studies of Monterrey (Mexico).