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AK Steel: U.S. ITC Decision an “Important First Step” in Cold Rolled Trade Case

"We expect all of our global steel competitors to play by the rules of fair trade, and this ruling is an important step in the fight to stop the injury to the domestic steel industry caused by unfairly traded imports of cold rolled steel," said AK Steel chairman and CEO James L. Wainscott in a statement.
AK Steel, along with ArcelorMittal USA, United States Steel Corporation, Nucor Corp. and Steel Dynamics Inc., filed a trade complaint in July over cold rolled flat steel products from eight countries, arguing that producers there were dumping steel into the U.S. market. The countries named in the complaint are Brazil, China, India, Japan, South Korea, Russia, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands.
While the commission agreed to continue the investigation into seven of the countries, it voted to end the investigation into the Netherlands because the volume of cold rolled steel from that country was negligible, less than 3 percent of total cold rolled steel imports over the past 12 months.