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AIST Reps Push for STEM Funding at SWE's Capitol Hill Day

This year's outreach day on Capitol Hill carried the theme, “Diversity and Inclusion Drives Innovation in STEM” (science, technology, engineering, and math).” Representing AIST for their second year were: Jill Foster and Claire Larsen, both development chemists from Quaker Chemical Corp.; and Laura Miller, industry news editor, AIST. Joining them was Cassie Martin, technical director at D. Martin Enterprises Inc.
Now in its fifth year, SWE’s Capitol Hill Day gives attendees the training to educate members of Congress and their staff on how attaining a diverse and inclusive STEM workforce can fuel innovation — through the variety of approaches and perspectives— and thus help to maintain U.S. competitiveness.
More than 60 congressional visits were held on 6 March. Acknowledging the current budget situation in Washington, event attendees asked their representatives to prioritize funding targeting women and other underrepresented groups in STEM.
Ms. Martin met with her state representative, Rep. Pete Visclosky (D-IN/1) and with staffers from the offices of Sens. Dan Coats (R-IN) and Joe Donnelly (D-IN).
Ms. Foster, Ms. Larsen and Ms. Miller met with the staff of Sens. Bob Casey (D-PA) and Pat Toomey (R-PA). Ms. Foster and Ms. Larsen also met with their local representative, Allyson Schwartz (D-PA/13).
Said Ms. Foster and Ms. Larsen of the event: “This was our second year attending Capitol Hill Day, and we are very lucky to have a sponsoring organization and employer who support issues important to their associates. This was an amazing opportunity to gain exposure to the inner workings of our nation’s political system while promoting an issue near and dear to our hearts.”

Pictured above: AIST Philadelphia Chapter members Claire Larsen (center) and Jill Foster (right)
met with a staff representative of Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA) (left)
to discuss prioritizing maximum funding levels for diversity in STEM programs. 

Pictured above:
AIST Globetrotter member Cassie Martin (left)
and another Indiana constituent and SWE member
met with Congressman Pete Vislosky (D-IN/1),
who also serves as vice chairman of the Congressional Steel Caucus,
during SWE’s Capitol Hill Day.
This article was written by Laura Miller, AIST industry news editor.