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AIST Offers Up Assistance, Expertise to Steel Producers Pursuing U.S. Federal Decarbonization Support  

The U.S. Department of Energy program, Industrial Decarbonization and Emissions Reduction Demonstration-to-Deployment, is willing to help steel producers carry forward certain demonstration-ready technologies to commercial viability.

The program specifically aims to fund large-scale projects: construction of new near-net zero facilities, overhaul and retrofit demonstrations, and system upgrades and retrofits for critical unit operations and single process lines within existing facilities. 
The department is encouraging applicants to partner with universities, national laboratories and non-governmental organizations, among others. That in mind, AIST and its national laboratory and university partner network is willing to lend expertise to applications, the organization said.

“AIST and our partners are available to offer industry-wide technical collaboration and workforce development initiatives to steel producers intending to submit proposals to the funding opportunity announcement. These partners provide cutting-edge technology in the field of decarbonization through their research and development in a variety of areas, including: CO2 mitigation; energy efficiency; advanced sensor development; advanced manufacturing methods; advanced hydrogen integration and thermal management; and process design, optimization, and scale-up using computer visualization, and machine learning.” 
You can find AIST’s full letter of support here.