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AIST Conducts Second International Steel Academy in Istanbul, Turkey

The Association for Iron & Steel Technology (AIST) recently completed the second AIST International Steel Academy (ISA) at The Hilton Istanbul in Istanbul, Turkey, 3–6 December 2012. The International Steel Academy continues to be a key element of AIST’s strategic plan for industry collaboration in steelmaking regions around the world.
The rapid expansion of steel production in Turkey has seen the country double its output within the last decade, and an additional 9% growth from last year alone. The AIST International Steel Academy addressed a number of key technological issues generated by the tremendous growth of steel production in the Turkish region.
The ISA courses and instructors were well-received by attendees. “Dr. Cappel is a great instructor and good reference for the iron and steel industry. He touched on many points that metallurgists face and gave a comprehensive overview of the importance of steelmaking in the global market,” said Gabriel Maita, process improver, Tenaris Siderca. “I found answers to many of my questions, as well as the value in interacting with the participants. I realize that by sharing our experiences, solutions can be found. There are still opportunities to develop more in the future — more technology that fits the future demands of the market — and to deliver the latest quality requirements for environmental and economic requests.”
"The Making, Shaping and Treating of Steel: 202 course in particular covers everything relevant to steel shaping and treating. It is useful both for beginners to learn new technology and for advanced individuals to refresh their industry knowledge,” said Pamir Ozbay, sales application engineer, TMEIC GE Automation. “Dr. De Cooman was an excellent instructor and is an expert in this field."
About the International Steel Academy
Designed to bring world-class steel education directly to regions experiencing accelerated growth, the AIST International Steel Academy (ISA) provides a broad and deep understanding of the steel manufacturing process. Two separate courses, The Making, Shaping and Treating of Steel: 201 and 202, bring together decades of internationally recognized efforts acquired in industry and academia, reflecting the vitality and global nature of steel manufacturing innovation. Held concurrently over four days, the individual courses are subdivided into the major elements required to produce quality steel products in today’s economy.
The lead instructors for MSTS 201 and MSTS 202 are Dr. Ing. Jürgen Cappel and Dr. Ir. B.C. De Cooman, respectively. Dr. Cappel is a respected steel industry consultant with more than 20 years of experience working in iron- and steelmaking facilities. Dr. De Cooman is a professor at the Graduate Institute of Ferrous Technology (GIFT) at the Pohang University of Technology and Science (POSTECH), Korea.
The inaugural AIST International Steel Academy was held on 5–8 December 2011 at the Tata Steel Ltd. Shavak Nanavati Technical Institute in Jamshedpur, India. The event sold out with 200 attendees and began with a press conference at the Tata Steel Press Center.

AIST is a non-profit technical association of 15,000 members from more than 70 countries, with the mission to advance the technical development, production, processing and application of iron and steel. The organization is recognized as a global leader in networking, education and sustainability programs for advancing iron and steel technology.
For more than a century, AIST has fostered the dissemination and exchange of steel technology through a variety of technical programs and publications. In recent years, AIST has implemented initiatives such as the ISA to export the AIST brand of networking and education to developing steel markets.